How Many Acres is Lake Tahoe?

We measured the perimeter of Lake Tahoe in Google Maps to find the number of acres its surface area is.

Acreage of Lake Tahoe is:

  • 121,824 acres (190.35 square miles / 493 square km)
How many acres is lake tahoe

Calculations for how many acres Lake Tahoe is:

  • Total area: 190.35 square miles (493 square km)
  • 1 acre = 0.0015625 square miles
  • 190.35 divided by 0.0015625 = 121,824 acres
  • Total distance of Lake Tahoe shoreline = 66.80 miles (107.50 km)

Do people swim across Lake Tahoe?

Yes. There are many different swim events that happen in Lake Tahoe. But the recognized swims (by the Lake Tahoe Open Water Swimming Association) are these 3 swims:

  • Lake Tahoe Length (21.3 miles / 34.3 km)
    • Record time: 10:55:13 by James Janik in 2018
  • Lake Tahoe True Width (12 miles / 19.3 km)
    • Record time: 7:24:36 by David Rich in 2018
  • Lake Tahoe Vikingsholm (10.6 miles / 16.9 km)
    • Record time: 7:45:50 by Georgia Wells in 2018

And of course the crown jewel is doing all 3 in the same year, which they call, The Triple Crown.

Do people run around Lake Tahoe?

Yes. There are many runs along the shores and around Lake Tahoe.

One of the more popular runs is the crazy Tahoe 200. A 200 mile race that goes a fair bit outside the shoreline but nonetheless completes the circle.

  • Kyle Curtin is the current record holder of the Tahoe 200. His record time is 49:27:22.
  • Courtney Dewalter is the women’s record holder.

About your guide: Jamey Kramar is a certified Lawn Care Manager (NALP) and a Mechanical Engineer by trade. He has been writing about outdoor power equipment for 13 years and has been quoted in NYTimes, Popular Mechanics, HowStuffWorks, iFixit,, and more. He spends his spare time obsessing over his 1/4 acre lawn.