How Many Acres is 200 feet by 200 feet?

An area of 200 feet by 200 feet is 0.92 acres.

See below calculations for how many acres is 200 feet by 200 feet.

How many acres is 200 feet by 200 feet

Calculations of area for 200 feet by 200 feet:

  • Area = 200 feet x 200 feet = 40,000 square feet
  • 1 acre = 43,560 square feet
  • 40,000 / 43560 = 0.92 acres

Are any sports played on a 0.92 acre field?

How long would it take to mow a 200 foot x 200 foot lawn?

Answer: 90 minutes


  • Average walking speed with lawn mower is 5 km/hr or 4.5567 feet per second (273.4 feet per minute)
  • Let’s use a 21 inch wide mower. So you mow 21 inch lanes at a time.
  • 200 feet wide means the 21 inch (1.75 foot) mower will need (200 / 1.75) 114 lanes to complete the mow
  • The length of the lawn is 200 feet so you complete each lane in (200 feet / 273.4 feet per minute) 44 seconds
  • 114 lanes x 44 seconds = 83 minutes 24 seconds
  • Assuming some overlap of lanes and turn around time let’s just round up to 90 minutes or 1.5 hrs to mow a 200 foot x 200 foot lawn.

About your guide: Jamey Kramar is a certified Lawn Care Manager (NALP) and a Mechanical Engineer by trade. He has been writing about outdoor power equipment for 13 years and has been quoted in NYTimes, Popular Mechanics, HowStuffWorks, iFixit,, and more. He spends his spare time obsessing over his 1/4 acre lawn.